Meditation Group

As a result of COVID-19, Meditation Group meetings have been postponed until further notice.

The Cathedral Meditation Group has been meeting continuously since its inception in November 2007. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month from 5:30-6:30 pm. Our meetings follow a simple format: we listen to a short talk on the practice and spirituality of meditation, then sit together in meditative silence, followed by a brief time to share reflections and concerns.

From the outset the group has maintained a connection with The World Community for Christian Meditation (WCCM), founded by the Benedictine monk, John Main, and his disciple, Laurence Freeman. WCCM works around the globe to promote the gift of silent meditation as a fully Christian practice from the earliest period of the desert fathers and mothers, through the monastic traditions, and now, spilling into the daily lives of lay people and congregations everywhere.

The Meditation Group meets in St. Alban's Chapel which allows for easy parking and entrance and also provides a place of solitude. Newcomers to meditation, as well as people from all denominations and faith traditions are welcome to join us at any time. Simple guidance is offered as needed to help people new to the practice of meditation get started.

 In silence we surrender to the mystery of the Spirit at work in us. In silence we hear God's peace.

For more information about the Cathedral Meditation Group, please email Sue McDermott or Amy Schoch.